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Literacy & Numeracy
At University Park Primary School, students are engaged in high quality learning experiences, where all students are supported to learn and achieve.

Our teachers deliver a high quality Literacy Program in line with the Victorian Curriculum. Using a range of evidenced based teaching practices and strategies, our students learn to read, view, listen, speak and write in a language rich environment using print and digital texts. Our whole school instructional model in Literacy is consistent across the school from Foundation to Grade 6.
Setting high expectations, our students are supported and challenged to extend their thinking and engage in independent and collaborative learning experiences. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning as they work towards their individual learning goals.
In reading, our students enjoy the opportunity to read independently, with a partner or in small groups. They participate in a range of reading experiences including, conferences, guided reading, books clubs, literature circles and reader’s theatre. Students read from a variety of print and digital texts, selected by both the students and the teachers.
In writing, our school has implemented the Big Write program. Big Write has been designed to bring the ‘fun’ back into the writing process. Student engagement is activated through games and activities, conversations, discussions, writing tasks and choice in writing topics. Students in conjunction with their teachers, learn how to identify and monitor their individual learning goals in writing.
In line with our whole school assessment schedule, teachers assess and report student learning against the Victorian Curriculum.

Our teachers demonstrate effective teaching based on the 4 proficiencies (understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning) that help students develop a positive, confident attitude towards Maths and achieve their full potential. Our teachers are well-resourced, confident and creative and endeavour to inspire and support all students to approach Maths with confidence and persistence.
Students enjoy Maths, welcome challenges and are active, independent learners. Through research-based practice students are equipped with the skills to help them solve problems in day-to-day life through open-ended tasks and the use of concrete materials.