University Park
Primary SchoolAt University Park Primary School, we work collaboratively to ensure every individual learns to their full potential and is a respectful and responsible member of the school community.
University Park
Primary SchoolAt University Park Primary School, we work collaboratively to ensure every individual learns to their full potential and is a respectful and responsible member of the school community.
University Park
Primary SchoolAt University Park Primary School, we work collaboratively to ensure every individual learns to their full potential and is a respectful and responsible member of the school community.
Principal's Welcome
The school’s motto of ‘Learning Together – Achieving Success’ is reflected in its team approach to teaching and learning. At our school, we deliver a holistic approach to education underpinned by high expectations taking into account the individual, academic, emotional and social needs of our students. We provide our students with the technological, social and academic requirements to become lifelong learners and productive adults in the community.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut gravida, turpis at gravida bibendum, lorem ipsum bibendum leo, eget eleifend felis dui id mi. Maecenas lobortis neque vel libero semper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut gravida, turpis at gravida bibendum, lorem ipsum bibendum leo, eget eleifend felis dui id mi. Maecenas lobortis neque vel libero semper