Language other than English

Japanese Language (L.O.T.E.) is taught to students from the foundation level to year 6 for 1 hour per week. It aims to teach students communication skills as well as intercultural understandings. The program is structured in order to improve students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing over their 7 years. Students are engaged through stories, games, songs, role-play, realia, audio-visuals, ICT use, as well as various activities to promote cultural awareness.

MAPS University PS35283

Each weekly lesson aims to build on student’s prior learning and connect to other curriculum areas to enable students to make links and comparisons with learning. The Japanese written alphabets and characters are cumulatively taught.

The students receive a ‘My Passport to Languages’, provided by the Victorian Curriculum Association, at the start of their Foundation year which provides topics, skills and tasks within the document as a record of their sequential learning over their first 4 years. Students are encouraged to reflect and make comparisons of lifestyle and culture between Japanese speakers and their own culture as well as their Australian lifestyle.

Literacy & Numeracy

At University Park Primary School, students are engaged in high quality learning experiences, where all students are supported to learn and achieve. Literacy Our teachers

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Our whole school investigations program uses a directed inquiry cycle model. This means that our students are active members in the learning cycle. Directed inquiry

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Digital Pedagogy

Developing capable digital learners who operate technology efficiently and safely is a priority at UPPS. We enable students from Grade 1 – 6 to utilise

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The Arts

Our students take part in an Arts program that focuses on visual and media arts. Visual Arts In Visual Arts our students are provided with

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Physical Education

The Physical Education program at UPPS aims to nurture a love of physical activity and a deep understanding of how physical activity benefits our physical

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Student Leadership

Every student is a leader at UPPS. We provide lots of opportunities for students to develop their sense of self and scaffold them to take

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